Seed library

Camelina is a widespread crop in Europe and Central Asia. It is also known as faux linen or pleasure gold. The camelina is recognizable because its long straight stem reaching up to one meter in height and the presence of yellow flowers. These yellow flowers produce the seeds and allow to extract the oil.

Camelina cultivation requires less water, fertilizer and pesticides compared to other oilseed crops such as sunflower, soybean or rapeseed. Camelina is therefore resistant to both drought and cold (-10°C).


story About...

From Latin name « Camelina Sativa » (Brassicaceae family, same family as rapeseed or mustard)
Alternative names: Alyssum Sativum, Cochlearia Sativa, linostrophum Sativum, Myagrum Sativum, Camomille, Lin Batard, Sesame Batard, Sesame d’Allemagne, Leindotteröl (ALL.) 
Origin: Germany, Netherlands, Russia
Production area: Europe, Central Asia, North America
Description: seed
Oil content: in Avg.30 to 35%
Oil color: golden to dark yellow


Uses of oils and CAKEs

Food, Biodiesel, Cosmetics

Camelina oil has mainly been used for the biodiesel and cosmetic industries but in recent years, camelina oil is also used in human and animal food thanks to these properties rich in omega-3 fatty acids and unsaturated fatty acids.
The cakes are mainly used for poultry feeding.


Extraction characteristics

  • Cold pressure: whole seed pressing
  • Ambient temperature: Min 20°C
  • Product temperature  before pressure: Min 20°C
  • Humidity of the product: approx. 7 / 8%
  • Oil content in cakes: approx. 11%

For more information or if you need a solution for the extraction of camelina, please contact us.